Since 2000 the “deMon developers workshops” serve to discuss the program evolutions. It has become a good custom to make it a scientific forum for discussions with scientists who are familiar with other methods, algorithms and programs, not common to the deMon developer’s community.
The presentations will cover topics related to electronic structure methods, molecular property calculations and molecular dynamics techniques, simulations and analysis tools. Round table discussions will be also organized with the purpose to discuss the developing work in progress and to prepare the future action items (see program page).
Previous “deMon developers” workshops were held in Canada 2000, Mexico 2001, Switzerland 2002, Sweden 2003, Italy 2004, Germany 2005, Canada 2006, France 2007, India 2009, Brazil 2010, Germany 2011, China 2012, France 2013, Mexico 2014, Bulgaria 2015, China 2016, Canada 2017, Mexico 2018, France 2019.
The 20st workshop was supposed to take place in India in 2020, but, unfortunately, had to be postponed because of the COVID sanitary crisis. The 20th deMon developers workshop will instead take place in 2021 virtually. We hope this virtual event will contribute to maintain the dynamics and friendly collaboration among the deMon developers/users through these difficult times, and constitutes a good opportunity for our young colleagues to share their results with us.
The presentations will cover topics related to electronic structure methods, molecular property calculations and molecular dynamics techniques, simulations and analysis tools. Round table discussions will be also organized with the purpose to discuss the developing work in progress and to prepare the future action items.
Organizing committee:
Jérôme Cuny (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Andreas M. Köster (CINVESTAV, Mexico)
Aurélien de la Lande (CNRS, Université Paris Saclay, France)
Sailaja Krishnamurty (CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, India)
Tzonka Mineva (CNRS, Institut Gerhardt, France)
Mathias Rapacioli (CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Dennis R. Salahub (University of Calgary, Canada)